Before and After

New Addition-Part One

Do you think you've heard "no" in regards to changes in your home so that must be it? Well let us take you on the journey, as we complete it, of a client of ours. Our Client called us to find out if they could add two rooms and a bathroom to their house. They already had talked with two architects, both told them they could not build anything. So we met with them, took measurements, and we went to the city to find out what we could do.

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We presented our idea using 3D computer design and our clients were extremely happy with the proposal and it was approved. So we began working on the design, blue prints, and permits.

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We came up with the addition, an entertainment area, where the pool table would be a focal point.

Before they didn't have a living room because the pool table was in that space. The arrangement, organization, and colors were dated so we were also brought in to do some decorating and arrangement-more on that to come!

Thais, Birth, Dinner 011 We made the blue prints, which everything was built according to, and we were able to start constructing their 900 sq ft addition!